Category Archives: Old news

[Done]JSLS2022 Call for Participation

The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS) invites you for our 23rd Annual International Conference (JSLS2022)

Dates: September 24 (Sat.)- September 25 (Sun.), 2022. (JAPAN Time)
It will be an online virtual conference.

Due to the online virtual conference, JSLS members can participate in the conference for free. Please take advantage of this opportunity and become a member of JSLS. Please complete the registration and make the payment by September 9 (Fri.). The fee is 6,000 yen for regular members and 3,000 yen for student members. Please check the following link for more information about the membership.

If you were a member in 2021 but have not paid for this year’s membership yet, please complete your payment by Sep. 9 (Fri.).

Valid members will receive the link to JSLS2022 on September 21 (Wed.).

Conference webpage:

I. Plenary Speakers
1. William Snyder (University of Connecticut): “Children’s syntax: Insights from the time course of acquisition”
2. Nick Ellis (University of Michigan): “Second language learning of morphosyntax”

II. Symposium: Future Outlook of CHILDES
Discussant: William Snyder (University of Connecticut)
Chair: Yasuhito Kido (Kyusyu International University)
Masahiko Dansako (The University of Kitakyushu): “Syntactic position of nominative subject in child Japanese”
Koichi Otaki (Chukyo University): “The Kaqchikel Child Language Corpus Project”
Yuko Otsuka (Sophia University): “Tongan Child Language Corpus Project”

Conference Chair: Akihiro Kano (Kwassui Women’s University)
Conference Vice Chair: Yasuhito Kido (Kyushu International University)


[Done]On-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models)

We are happy to announce an on-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models) on Sept. 7 and 8. Registration is free for
JSLS members who (will) have paid membership fee for 2020-2021. Please check out details below in Japanese. The registration form will be announced soon (the deadline will be Aug. 31).

(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)

日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)
散分析などにはない利点があることから,近年の心理言語学研究では,データ分析に (G)LMM が用いられる場合が多いです。しかし,その分析手順の煩雑さもあ
り,独学で (G)LMM を習得することに困難を感じる方も多いのではないかと想像します。
 そこで,本ワークショップでは,これまで (G)LMM に触れたことがない人でも,その基本概念を理解し,基本的な分析を一人で行なえるようになることを目標と
また,本ワークショップは,単なる一方向の講義だけでなく,参加者の方が実際に (G)LMM を使って分析する際に困っている点にお答えする形での質疑応答セッ
(本ワークショップでは,統計解析用フリーソフトウェア R を用います。)