Detailed Rules
Detailed Rules for the Operation of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences
Article 1 Administrative office
The administrative office of the society shall be at:
Prof. Hidetosi Sirai
JSLS Management Office
School of Engineering, Chukyo University
101-2 YagotoHonmachi, Showa-ku,
Nagoya, Aichi, JAPAN 466-0825
Article 2 Annual dues
1. The annual dues shall be 6,000 yen or US$60.00 for full members and 3,000 yen or US$30.00 for student members. Dues for supporting members shall be 30,000 yen or more. Annual dues must be paid in full every year by December 31 in the appropriate account.
2. There shall be no initiation fees.
3. Upon failure to pay annual dues for two years, membership shall be suspended.
Article 3 Annual Conference
1. Every year, a conference shall be held for research presentations.
2. Several members, appointed by the Steering Committee shall form the Conference Organizing Committee.
3. The Conference Organizing Committee shall run the conference under the guidance of the Steering Committee.
4. After the conclusion of the conference, the conference treasurer must submit a conference closing account report to the Steering Committee and receive the approval of the Steering Committee as soon as possible.
Article 4 Research Presentations
1. Full members and student members have the right to make research presentations at the annual conference.
2. Members and non-members have the right to make submissions to the publications of this society.
3. Non-members can also make research presentations as co-authors.
Article 5 Elections of Officers
1. Steering Committee members shall be elected from the general
membership. Election rules shall be listed elsewhere.
2. The existing Steering Committee shall decide on the number of members of the next Steering Committee.
3. The elections shall be managed by an Elections Committee
consisting of a few members appointed by the Steering Committee.
4. The Steering Committee members shall serve a term of 3 years in length.
Article 6 Election of President & Vice-President
1. The president and vice-president shall be elected by the general membership.
2. The elections shall be managed by an Elections committee consisting of a few members appointed by the Steering Committee.
3. The president and vice- president shall serve a term of 3 years in length. No person shall serve more than two terms. However, the president and vice- president will not be subject to the limitations of the term of the steering committee.
Article 7 Editorial Committee
1. The Editorial Committee shall oversee the publications such as the conference proceedings published by this society.
2. The Editorial Committee shall consist of several Editorial
Committee members selected from the Steering Committee.
3. The members and chairperson of the Editorial Committee will be selected by the Steering Committee.
Article 8 Executive Council
1. The Executive Council, will hold regular meetings to discuss matters of importance such as the purposes of this society, operating policy, and stabilization of financial base.
2. The Executive Council will consist of the president, the
vice-president, the secretary), and several members of the Steering Committee selected by the president.
3. The length of term for Steering Committee members serving on the Executive Council will be for one year. These members can be re-appointed for another term if necessary.
4. The Executive Council does not have the right make decisions. If voting is necessary, votes will be collected after the Executive Council discussion is explained to the Steering Committee, and if necessary, discussed and voted on at the General Meeting.
Article 9 Addendum
These regulations shall be revised by a vote of the Steering
Detailed rules
1. Article 8 added, previous Article 8 has been changed to Article 9 as of August 7, 1999.
2. These regulations shall be effective as of August 7, 1999.
3. Changes made to Articles 5 & 6 as of August 7, 2001.
4. These regulations shall be effective as of August 7, 2001.
5. Changes made to Article 7 as of July 5, 2002.
6. These regulations shall be effective as of July 5, 2002.
7. Changes made to Article 2 (1) & (4), Article 4 (1).
8. These regulations shall be effective as of July 4, 2004.
9. Changes made to Article 1, and Article 5(4)
10. These regulations shall be effective as of October 15,, 2007.