Studies in Language Sciences

Studies in Language Sciences(SLS)was started as a collection of papers presented at JSLS conferences, SLS was first published by Kuroshio Publishers. The 11th to 18th volumes were published as Studies in Language Sciences: Journal of the Japanese Society by Kaitakusya. The 19th volume is and subsequent volumes will be published as an electronic journal called Studies in Language Sciences on J-STAGE

We will accept general submissions as well as submissions based on oral presentations at JSLS, in the areas including (but not limited to) the following:

  1. Psycholinguistics (lexical, sentence and discourse processing)
  2. Foreign language teaching/learning, L2 acquisition
  3. L1 acquisition, mother-child interaction
  4. Bilingual (or trilingual) education/acquisition
  5. Syntax
  6. Semantics
  7. Discourse
  8. Japanese linguistics
  9. Phonology, morphology
  10. Computational model, computational language processing

There is no specific deadline for general submission. Each paper will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers and you will most likely be requested to make some revisions. If accepted, the final version of your paper will be included in a future issue of Studies in Language Sciences, depending on the date of your submission, which will be published on-line by J-STAGE.

Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Advisory Board, Editorial Assistant

The paper should be written in English with a 150-200 word abstract, or in Japanese, with a 400-500 letter abstract. The total length of an English manuscript should be within 8,000 words, and that of a Japanese manuscript should be within 18,000 letters. Detailed guidelines for English and Japanese papers are provided at the following page SLS Guidelines.

Please send an electronic file (e-mail attachments in both Microsoft Word and PDF) to;

  • Takaaki Suzuki (Kyoto Sangyo University) : takaaki(at)
  • Wataru Suzuki (Miyagi University of Education) : suzukiw(at)
  • Akihiro Kano (Kwassui Women’s University) : akikano(at)
  • Kyoko Yamakoshi (Ochanomizu University): yamakoshi.kyoko(at)
  • Koji Miwa (Nagoya University): miwa.koji.n8(at)
  • Toru Ishizawa (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies): t.ishizawa(at)

Since we will be using a blind review system, please try to write your paper in such a way that your identity (or the identity of your collaborators) will not be revealed. For example, references to your own work should be kept to a minimum, and the name(s) of the author(s) should only appear in your cover letter and the MS word file, from which we will erase the author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) when we send the paper to reviewers. . Finally, if you are a not a native speaker of English, you are required to have your manuscript edited by native speaker consultants before submission. Insufficient stylistic editing may result in the submitted manuscript being returned prior to the blind review stage without any deadline extension.

We look forward to receiving your submission.


Takaaki Suzuki
Wataru Suzuki
Akihiro Kano
Kyoko Yamakoshi
Koji Miwa
Toru Ishizawa
