All posts by jslswebmaster


The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS) will hold our 24th
Annual International Conference (JSLS2023) as follows:

Dates:  July 8th (Sat.) – 9th (Sun.), 2023
Venue: Chuo University, Tama Campus, Tokyo (planned as an in-person
Plenary Speaker:  Dr. Courtenay Norbury (University College London,
Developmental Language & Communication Disorders)
Conference Chair:  Masayuki Komachi (Shizuoka University)
Conference Vice Chair: Tomoko Matsui (Chuo University)

More information will be available in December, 2022

[Done]JSLS2022 Call for Participation

The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS) invites you for our 23rd Annual International Conference (JSLS2022)

Dates: September 24 (Sat.)- September 25 (Sun.), 2022. (JAPAN Time)
It will be an online virtual conference.

Due to the online virtual conference, JSLS members can participate in the conference for free. Please take advantage of this opportunity and become a member of JSLS. Please complete the registration and make the payment by September 9 (Fri.). The fee is 6,000 yen for regular members and 3,000 yen for student members. Please check the following link for more information about the membership.

If you were a member in 2021 but have not paid for this year’s membership yet, please complete your payment by Sep. 9 (Fri.).

Valid members will receive the link to JSLS2022 on September 21 (Wed.).

Conference webpage:

I. Plenary Speakers
1. William Snyder (University of Connecticut): “Children’s syntax: Insights from the time course of acquisition”
2. Nick Ellis (University of Michigan): “Second language learning of morphosyntax”

II. Symposium: Future Outlook of CHILDES
Discussant: William Snyder (University of Connecticut)
Chair: Yasuhito Kido (Kyusyu International University)
Masahiko Dansako (The University of Kitakyushu): “Syntactic position of nominative subject in child Japanese”
Koichi Otaki (Chukyo University): “The Kaqchikel Child Language Corpus Project”
Yuko Otsuka (Sophia University): “Tongan Child Language Corpus Project”

Conference Chair: Akihiro Kano (Kwassui Women’s University)
Conference Vice Chair: Yasuhito Kido (Kyushu International University)


JSLS Public Announcement Regarding Elections

Japanese Society for Language Sciences Public Announcement Regarding
June 29, 2022

Takaaki Suzuki
Elections Committee Chairperson

As the current officers will complete their 3-year terms in June, 2022,
according to Article 4 of the “Detailed Rules regarding the Election of
Officers of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences,” we will conduct
elections for the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and Steering Committee
officer positions as follows:
We would like to ask for your cooperation in this matter.

1. Positions open for election
Chairperson (3-year term: July, 2022-June, 2025)…1 person
Vice Chairperson (3-year term: July, 2022-June, 2025)…1 person
Steering committee members (3-year term: July, 2022-June, 2025)…23
Internal auditor (3-year term: July, 2022-June, 2025)…1 person

2. Nomination of candidates
Nominations will be accepted until: July 8, 2022 (Japan standard time)
(Please refer to the “Guidelines for the Nomination of Candidates”
presented below for details regarding the nomination process.)

3. Voting
Mailing of voting instructions: July 15, 2022 (scheduled)
Deadline for submitting votes: July 15, 2022 thru July 29, 2022 (
*Voting procedures will be sent via email.
The message will be sent out on Friday, July 15 from the following
User Jslsweb
Please check your spam mailbox if you cannot find the message. In case
you do not receive the message, please contact the office .

4. Announcement of results
Election results will be reported through the [JSLS-members] mailing
list and the JSLS homepage.

・Addendum: Summary of election procedures
The election process will be conducted as follows:
First, we will receive nominations of candidates from the general
membership (deadline: July 8, 2022). Based on these nominations, the
Elections Committee will prepare a list of candidates and create a
ballot. This ballot, along with the voting guidelines, will be sent to
the general membership via email (approximately mid-July). After this,
JSLS full members should access the webpage address provided in the
guidelines, marking the candidates they would like to vote for, and “
send” their votes in via email. By doing so, votes will be sent
indirectly to the Elections Committee. At this time, it will also be
possible to vote for JSLS full members who are not listed on the ballot.
Votes will be tallied and confirmed by the Elections Committee, and the
candidates (for the positions of chairperson, vice-chairperson, Steering
Committee members, and internal auditor, respectively) with the largest
number of valid votes will be elected, until all positions are filled.

・Guidelines for the Nomination of Candidates
As mentioned in the public announcement regarding elections, we are
asking the general membership to submit nominations. The letter of
nomination (any format acceptable) should include the following
information, as stated in Article 4 of the Detailed Rules regarding the
election of officers of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences:
1. The position you would like to nominate the person for (i.e.,
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Steering Committee member, Internal
2. The name of the nominee
3. Date
4. A letter of acceptance from the nominee (must be a JSLS full member)
and the signature of at least one JSLS full member supporting the
5. Current affiliation, brief CV, field of specialization (or research
topics) of the nominee
6. Short statement giving reasons supporting nomination (Each full
member can nominate one person for the chairperson and vice-chairperson

You cannot surpass 23 nominations for the Steering Committee positions.
Furthermore, it is possible for the same person to run for chairperson,
vice-chairperson, the Steering Committee, and Internal auditor at the
same time. In this case, if the person is elected to more than one
position, his or her final position will be the highest position of
those he or she is elected for.

Please send letters of nomination to the address listed below, in an
envelope marked “Letter of nomination enclosed” via postal mail (Letters
of nomination sent via fax or email will not be accepted):

Takaaki Suzuki
English Dept. Faculty of Foreign Studies,
Kyoto Sangyo University
Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8555, Japan

JSLS JCHAT Award announcement

We are pleased to announce the winners of the twelfth JCHAT Award.


(Best paper)

中国人日本語学習者が日本語文を読む際の眼球運動 ―漢字単語の処理に着目して-

徐 婕 (広島大学)・柳本 大地(広島大学)

“Eye-movements of Chinese students when reading Japanese:

A study on the processing of Kanji-words” (in Japanese)

Jie XU (Hiroshima University),  Daichi YANAMOTO (Hiroshima University)


優秀論文賞(JCHAT/CHILDES利用) :

(Best paper utilizing JCHAT/CHILDES)


加山 裕子 (University of Manitoba) ・大嶋 百合子 (McGill University, University of Victoria)

“The role of the input in the acquisition of verb argument structures in child Japanese” (in Japanese)

Yuhko KAYAMA (University of Manitoba),

Yuriko OSHIMA-TAKANE (McGill University, University of Victoria)

These papers were presented at JSLS2021.

We plan to have the award ceremony at JSLS2022 next year.


Harumi KOBAYASHI, Chairperson of Japanese Society for Language Sciences

[終了しました]受付案内:On-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models)

Members of JSLS,


(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)
日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)







We are happy to announce an on-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models) on Sept. 7 and 8. Registration is free for JSLS members who (will) have paid membership fee for 2020-2021. Please check out details below in Japanese. The registration form will be announced soon (the deadline will be Aug. 31).

(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)

日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)
本ワークショップでは,(一般化)線形混合効果モデル[(G)LMM]によるデータ分析の入門的・実践的なチュートリアルを行ないます。従来広く使われてきた分散分析などにはない利点があることから,近年の心理言語学研究では,データ分析に (G)LMM が用いられる場合が多いです。しかし,その分析手順の煩雑さもあり,独学で (G)LMM を習得することに困難を感じる方も多いのではないかと想像します。
 そこで,本ワークショップでは,これまで (G)LMM に触れたことがない人でも,その基本概念を理解し,基本的な分析を一人で行なえるようになることを目標とし,入門的かつ実践的なチュートリアルを行ないます。また,本ワークショップは,単なる一方向の講義だけでなく,参加者の方が実際に (G)LMM を使って分析する際に困っている点にお答えする形での質疑応答セッションも含む予定です。
(本ワークショップでは,統計解析用フリーソフトウェア R を用います。)

[Done]On-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models)

We are happy to announce an on-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models) on Sept. 7 and 8. Registration is free for
JSLS members who (will) have paid membership fee for 2020-2021. Please check out details below in Japanese. The registration form will be announced soon (the deadline will be Aug. 31).

(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)

日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)
散分析などにはない利点があることから,近年の心理言語学研究では,データ分析に (G)LMM が用いられる場合が多いです。しかし,その分析手順の煩雑さもあ
り,独学で (G)LMM を習得することに困難を感じる方も多いのではないかと想像します。
 そこで,本ワークショップでは,これまで (G)LMM に触れたことがない人でも,その基本概念を理解し,基本的な分析を一人で行なえるようになることを目標と
また,本ワークショップは,単なる一方向の講義だけでなく,参加者の方が実際に (G)LMM を使って分析する際に困っている点にお答えする形での質疑応答セッ
(本ワークショップでは,統計解析用フリーソフトウェア R を用います。)

JCHAT Award announcement

We are pleased to announce the winners of the eleventh JCHAT Award.

Best paper:
Chuxin Liu (Tohoku University), Jessie Wanner Kawahara (Tohoku University), Mariko Nakayama (Tohoku University)
Visual Word Recognition in L2 Japanese for Chinese-Japanese Bilinguals: Does Phonological Similarity Modulate
Cognate Priming Effects in a Naming Task?
The paper was presented at the previous conference, JSLS2019.

Best paper utilizing JCHAT/CHILDES: None

We plan to have the award ceremony at JSLS2021 ( June 5-6, 2021), online virtual conference, Okinawa International University.


Harumi Kobayashi, Chairperson of Japanese Society for Language Sciences

Cancellation of JSLS2020

Feb. 25, 2020

Cancellation of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2020)

Harumi Kobayashi, Chairperson of JSLS
Manami Sato, Chairperson of JSLS2020

The 22nd Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2020) which was scheduled for May 30-31, 2020 has been cancelled, due to recent concerns regarding the Coronavirus outbreak in Japan. As it is impossible for us to guarantee the health and safety of our conference participants, we have had to make this difficult decision.

Next year’s conference (JSLS2021) will be held at Okinawa International University (Dr. Manami Sato, JSLS2021 Conference Chairperson). Further details will be announced as soon as they become available.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who submitted abstracts to JSLS2020. Due to the cancellation of the conference, we will not be sending out review results regarding acceptance/rejection of abstracts. We hope that you will consider resubmitting your abstracts to next year’s conference.

Furthermore, we would like to announce that Studies in Language Sciences (SLS), the official journal of JSLS (Editor: Kaoru Horie) has decided to add a new section in the journal for short research papers (maximum length: English- 2500 words; Japanese- 6000 characters) in addition to the regular full research paper (maximum length: English 8000 words; Japanese 18,000 characters). We would like to encourage researchers who submitted abstracts to JSLS2020 to consider submitting short research papers or full research papers to SLS. Others are also welcome to submit. Details regarding this new section of SLS will be made available shortly.