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Presentation Guidelines

1Dear Presenters at JSLS 2013,

Thank you for presenting your paper at JSLS 2013. I have a couple of announcements to make regarding facilities and equipment at the conference site.

  • For oral presenters
    • We have old-type projectors, which require VGA connectors.
    • There will be a laptop computer (Windows 7) with MS PowerPoint 2010 installed in each conference room.
    • The easiest way to use PowerPoint during your presentation is to use the computer at the site.
    • You can make your presentation file with MS PowerPoint and bring it to the conference site on a USB flash drive or a CD.
    • You may use your own computer, but it requires a VGA port. There are VGA conversion adapters. However, some of them are known to have compatibility issues with particular projectors.
    • I strongly recommend for you to use the computer at the site or bring a computer that has a VGA port.
    • Also, please perform an operation check before your presentation.
    • If you would like to use some equipment other than a computer for your presentation, please contact me at akikano@kwassui.ac.jp
  • For poster presenters
    • The panel is 900mm in width and 2100mm in height.
    • You can check about the actual panel on the following site: (but, sorry, the descriptions are all in Japanese)
    • http://event21.co.jp/pan_005.htm
    • Please adjust the size of your posters so that they fit in the panel.
    • You can set up your posters using the thumbtacks provided in the poster session rooms.
    • The panel is not magnetic type.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

JSLS 2013 Conference Chair
Akihiro Kano