[終了しました]第1回共創言語進化セミナー(Prof. Luc Steels)見逃し配信 (9/16まで)

(なお、第2回は9/4に開催します。くわしくはこちら http://evolinguistics.net/event/?id=event887

話者 : Luc Steels (Research Professor,Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies(ICREA) (IBE-UPF/CSIC) Barcelona)
タイトル: Constructive approaches to language evolution
The problem how human languages have evolved is one of the most fascinating problems of science. We have a lot of data on of actual language evolution collected by historical linguists and sociolinguists but there is still no widely accepted theory. This presentations surveys work that uses a synthetic or constructive approach to study this problem, meaning that we proceed through experiments with artificial agents (possibly even humanoid robots) that are given the minimal infrastructure to create their own language and then we observe what language is emerges.
There is a practical utility to this challenge but in this talk we are interested to learn more about how these experiments can inform us about the origins of human language.
The constructive approach started already in the mid nineteen-nineties and has by now yielded a rich harvest of models and experiments. Recently there has been a renewed interest to apply methods from deep learning. This talk surveys progress so far and then looks ahead to see how we could most profitably advance further.

Luc Steels氏 略歴:
ブリュッセル自由大学計算機科学科の教授、Sony Computer Science Laboratory – Parisの所長を長く務め、現在はスペインのCatalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)の進化生物学研究所の研究教授であり、新学術領域「共創言語進化」国際アドバイザーを務める。