[終了しました]第15回共創言語進化セミナー (Thom Scott-Phillips氏)のお知らせ 6/30 17:30

タイトル: Understanding Animal Linguistics
講演者: Thom Scott-Phillips (Senior Research Scientist, the Social Mind Center and the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University (Budapest))

言語 : 英語
日時 : 2021/6/30 (水) 17:30-19:00 JST (少し延びる可能性あり)
申込サイト: https://forms.gle/uoQxAbe7sdHLBSA6A

How should we understand the findings of animal linguistics? Over the past 20 or so years, detailed comparative studies have revealed how some important qualities observed in human languages are also present, in some form or another, in the communication systems of other species. To pick just one example, the calls of chestnut-crowned babblers exhibit the collection of qualities that characterise ‘duality of patterning’, a property many linguists have identified as foundational. How should we interpret such discoveries, and accommodate them into linguistic theory? I will present an answer from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics.
First, I will summarise my experimental research showing basic combinatorics in bacterial communication. Second, I will argue that what is being revealed by animal linguistics is how many aspects of combinatoriality are present in the cognition of other species, and as such is potentially available to be co-opted by any culturally evolving communication system. Third, I will sketch the argument that what makes human communication so distinctive is that humans spontaneously interpret communicative stimuli as optimally relevant. This tendency sets in motion the cultural evolution of words and grammars, as epistemic tools that massive enhance human communication.

– Heintz, C., & Scott-Phillips, T. (under review). Expression unleashed.
– Scott-Phillips, T. (in press). Languages & the Necker cube. Inference: International Review of Science.
– Scott-Phillips, T., Diggle, S., Gurney, J., Ivens, A. & Popat, R. (2014). Combinatorial communication in bacteria: Implications for the origins of linguistic generativity. PLoS One, 9(4), e95929.
– Scott-Phillips, T., Kirby, S., & Ritchie, G. (2009). Signalling signalhood and the emergence of communication. Cognition, 113(2), 226-233.

Thom Scott-Phillips氏について:
エディンバラ大学でMSc、PhDを取得後、エディンバラ大学、ダラム大学での研究を経て、現職。心と文化、特にコミュニケーションと言語に対して進化学と認知科学からアプローチする研究を続けている。語用論の観点から言語の起源・進化を論じる画期的な本である”Speaking Our Minds”を2014年に上梓。本書の訳書『なぜヒトだけが言葉を話せるのか  ーコミュニケーションから探る言語の起源と進化』(東京大学出版会)が7/2に刊行予定(http://www.utp.or.jp/book/b577409.html )。
