[終了しました]第17回共創言語進化セミナー (Robin Dunbar氏)見逃し配信のお知らせ(9/27 15時まで)


タイトル: Why Only Humans Have Language
講演者 : Robin Dunbar 氏 (Emeritus Professor, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK)
言語  : 英語
配信期間: 2021/9/2~27(月)15:00
申込サイト: https://forms.gle/qQPVec5Rr7z4RQm56

All animals communicate, but only humans have true language. This raises two important questions: why and when did language evolve in our lineage. I shall argue that language owes its origins to the way it is used in bonding large social communities, and hence its capacity to provide cues of community membership (which I refer to as the Seven Pillars of Friendship). Modelling its evolution suggests that it might have arisen quite quickly once it had got started. I approach the question of when language first appeared by using two sets of anatomical parameters to triangulate a date for its origins. I argue that, for language as we now have it, it cannot have been before the appearance of modern humans. Neanderthals and other archaic humans may have had language, but it would have been much less sophisticated.

– Dunbar, R. (2009). Why only humans have language. In: R. Botha & C. Knight (eds) The Prehistory of Language, pp. 12-35. Oxford University Press.
– Dàvid-Barrett, T. & Dunbar, R. (2016). Language as a coordination tool evolves slowly. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160259.
– Dunbar, R. (2017). Group size, vocal grooming and the origins of language. Psychonomic Bulletin Review 24: 209-212.

Robin Dunbar 氏について:
ブリストル大学でPh.D.を取得後、ケンブリッジ大学、ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、リヴァプール大学等での研究を経て、2007年よりオックスフォード大学教授。ヒトを含む霊長類の社会的繋がりを支える行動・認知・神経内分泌学的メカニズムの理解を目指した霊長類学・進化心理学の研究に従事。言語の適応的機能は繋がりの構築・維持にあるという言語起源の仮説を提示した”Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language”(1997)(邦訳『ことばの起源:猿の毛づくろい、人のゴシップ』(1998))は、言語進化研究の嚆矢となる書籍のひとつである。安定した社会関係を築く人数の限界である「ダンバー数」の提唱でも有名。イギリス学士院フェロー、2015年にトーマス・ハックスリー記念賞受賞。
