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[終了しました]講演会 by バトラー後藤裕子先生@宮城教育大学(7月25日)






小学校の英語活動が5-6年生で必修化されるにあたり、評価をどのように行うかに関心が集まっている。評価には学習の結果を把握する(assessment of learning)だけでなく、評価をいかに直接的に指導や学習に結びつけるか(assessment for learning)という側面もある。本発表では、この2つの評価の側面を紹介した後、小学校の現場でも導入が進んでいる自己評価を例にとりながら、自己評価についてわかっていることは何かについて整理をする。その結果に基づき、どのような点に注意して自己評価を導入したらよいのか、特に、自己評価を指導の一つのツールとしてとらえる可能性を提示する。

東京大学文学部卒業後、スタンフォード大学教育学大学院で博士号(Ph. D.教育心理学)を取得。スタンフォード大学教育研究センターのリサーチ・フェローを経て、現在ペンシルバニア大学教育学大学院言語教育学部教授。同校のTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)プログラムのディレクターもつとめる。日本語での著書に『多言語社会の言語文化教育』(くろしお出版)2003年、『日本の小学校英語を考える』(三省堂)2005年、『英語学習は早いほうがいいのか』(岩波新書)2015年などがある。



[終了しました]MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 (7/27-28) Call for Papers

Conference Website: https://maplltcp2019.wordpress.com/


(MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 is jointly organized by Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language (MAPLL), Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP), and the technical group of thought and language of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (TL).)

Saturday, 27th – Sunday, 28th July 2019

Multi-purpose Hall, Hirao Memorial Seminar House, Konan University
甲南大学 平生記念セミナーハウス 多目的ホール
Direction to the venue in English

Invited Speakers:
– Colin Phillips (University of Maryland)
– Matt Wagers (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Aim and Topics:

MAPLL-TCP-TL invites submissions for paper (oral) or poster presentations in any aspects of empirical research on human language. Studies from a wide range of perspectives will be considered; including, but not exclusive to:

Research conducting behavioral or neural experiments,
Research constructing theoretical or computational models,
Research inquiring into biological and/or evolutional foundations of learning or processing of language by native or non-native speakers.
Following the tradition of TCP, those focusing on “Plato’s Problem”, concerning language acquisition (How can we gain a rich linguistic system given our fragmentary and impoverished experience?) are especially welcome.

Memorial Session for Dr. Akira Omaki:
This year, the organizing committee has decided to organize a special session dedicated to the memory of Akira Omaki, Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, who passed away on August 6, 2018. Because Akira was a leading researcher in the field of L1 and L2 acquisition, as well as in language processing, the theme of the special session is L1 and L2 acquisition. Akira was a friend of many researchers working on psycholinguistics, including some of the organizing committee. We sincerely wish this special session to be an occasion where people can learn more on the field and his great contribution to the field.

Tsutomu Sakamoto Award:
In memory of our friend and distinguished colleague professor Tsutomu Sakamoto, the Tsutomu Sakamoto Award recognizes the paper or poster presented at the conference that best exhibits the qualities of intellectual rigor, creativity, and independence of thought exemplified in Professor Sakamoto’s life and work. Any first author of a presentation, who is not yet tenured, will be eligible for consideration. Specify whether you are eligible for the candidate or not at the submission page of EasyChair.

The authors of the papers accepted for oral/poster presentation in the main and Omaki memorial sessions will be invited to write a 4-6 page paper in the conference proceedings, which will be published as a technical report of IEICE (the Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers). The deadline of the paper submission for the proceedings will be early July.

Submission Instruction:

MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 uses the EasyChair online abstract submission system.

Abstracts should be submitted to:


Submission Deadline: April 19, 2019 (23:59 Japan Standard Time)

Anonymous abstracts should be submitted in letter or A4 format, with 1-inch or 2.5-cm margins on all sides, and in no smaller than 12 point font. The abstract may be no longer than one page including additional figures, tables, other graphics and/or references. Abstracts must be written in English. At the top of the abstract, please specify: (a) the title of your paper, and (b) your preference for presentation type (oral or poster).

Paper (oral) presentations are scheduled to be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Since the number of slots for oral presentations is limited, some of the abstracts will be accepted for poster presentations. All presentations should be given in English. Acceptance or rejection will be notified by early May 2019.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 19 (Fri)
Acceptance Notification: May 10 (Fri)
Submission for the proceedings: Early July

Code of Conduct:
All participants in MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 and Satellite Seminar are subject to LSA Civility Policy (NB: MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019 is NOT an LSA-sponsored event). Feel free to contact mapllcontact@gmail.com if you need help.