[終了しました]第5回共創言語進化セミナー(Prof. Cedric Boeckx)見逃し配信のお知らせ(12/21 15時まで)

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第5回共創言語進化セミナー 見逃し配信
タイトル: A compositional view of the origins of the modern human language faculty
講演者: Prof. Cedric Boeckx (Research Professor, Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies (ICREA), the Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS))
言語: 英語
配信期間: 2020/12/3 (木) 11:00 ~ 12/21(月)15:00 JST
登録フォーム: https://forms.gle/9V1sza4kdmvfCEdK7

In this talk I want to explore new ways of probing further the mosaic nature of the language faculty through the prism of its evolutionary trajectory. It is now clear that a simplistic evolutionary scenario of the sort still entertained by some linguists (e.g. Berwick and Chomsky’s 2016 “Why Only Us” account) is untenable, detached as it is from robust empirical considerations generated in allied disciplines (archaeology, paleogenetics, etc.). The piecemeal assembly of the language faculty over evolutionary time will be examined here, focusing not only on the subcomponents of language but also on the temporal order of their emergence. A bit like semanticists do when talking about compositionality, we’ll be asking about the component parts of the language faculty and how they were put together.
I’ll take inspiration from Limor Raviv’s recent work, and I’ll explore this question using agent-based modeling, but also through bioinformatic methods allowing us to date the origins of certain genetic variants.

– Kuhlwilm, M., & Boeckx, C. (2019). A catalog of single nucleotide changes distinguishing modern humans from archaic hominins. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
– Martins, P. T., & Boeckx, C. (2019). Language evolution and complexity considerations: the no half-merge fallacy. Plos biology, 17(11), e3000389.
– Raviv, L., Meyer, A., & S. Lev-Ari. (2019). Larger communities create more systematic languages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1907):20191262.

Prof. Cedric Boeckxについて:
ハーバード大学言語学科准教授を経て、現在、スペインのCatalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)の研究教授、バルセロナ大学の複雑系研究所(UBIC)および一般言語学部門のメンバー。研究グループ”Cognitive Biology of Language”のPI、新学術領域「共創言語進化」国際アドバイザーを務める。
著書として、”Linguistic Minimalism” (2006), “Bare Syntax” (2008), “Language in Cognition” (2009)(邦訳『言語から認知を探る―ホモ・コンビナンスの心』、”Syntactic Islands”(2012)、”Elementary Syntactic Structures” (2015) 等多数。2020年、レオナルド・フェローシップを得る。