jslswebmaster のすべての投稿

[終了しました]Professor Annick De Houwer 講演会(立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部主催)


10月20日(水) 17:00-18:30にAnnick De Houwer 氏(ドイツエアフルト大学名誉教授、The Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet) 代表)をお招きし、”Supporting Harmonious Bilingualism through language choice, input, and discourse strategies in bilingual families”という演題で ご講演いただきます。Zoomを利用したオンライン講演会になります。要旨、ならびに講師プロフィールについては下記、あるいは大学HPをご覧ください






Open lecture sponsored by the College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University

Title: Supporting Harmonious Bilingualism through language choice, input, and discourse strategies in bilingual families
Speaker: Annick De Houwer, Ph.D. Professor Emerita of Language Acquisition and Multilingualism at the University of Erfurt, Germany; the Director of The Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet)
Abstract: Most parents raising children in bilingual families want their children to speak both languages, and to speak them well. Many children, however, do not. This negatively affects Harmonious Bilingualism within the family. This talk explains how the combined influence of language choice patterns, input characteristics, and discourse strategies used by parents can increase their children’s chances of speaking two languages within the family and thus contribute to Harmonious Bilingualism.
Time: Wednesday, October 20th 2021 JST 17:00-18:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Please register from the following link by October 18:
You will receive the zoom link to the meeting by October 19.

Lecturer Profile:
ANNICK DE HOUWER is Director of the Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet; www.habilnet.org). She was trained in linguistics at several Belgian universities and at Stanford University (the latter on a Fulbright scholarship). She held professorial positions at the universities of Antwerp and Brussels in Belgium and at the University of Erfurt in Germany. She also held research positions at the Belgian National Science Foundation and was a Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS). In the United States, she has been affiliated with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, the University at Buffalo, and the University of Virginia. De Houwer’s research has focused on bilingual and monolingual children’s language development. Her research addresses not only linguistic aspects of language development, but also socio-psychological aspects. She has also studied attitudes towards child language, intra-linguistic subtitling on television, and has carried out a macro-sociological survey of home language use involving 75,000 participants. She has served as series editor of Trends in Language Acquisition Research and IMPACT: Studies of Language in Society and has co-edited several books, most recently The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism. She is the author of The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth: A Case Study; Bilingual First Language Acquisition, An Introduction to Bilingual Development, and Bilingual Development in Childhood. She has served in various professional organizations such as the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). She is currently the President of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL).

[終了しました]Japanese Korean Linguistics Satellite workshops (10/8, online)

A) Satellite Workshop on Japanese and Korean Phonology(10/8, online)

会議情報(Conference website) http://crosslinguistic-studies.ninjal.ac.jp/prosody/?p=2216&lang=en

事前登録 (Pre-registration)


(B) Data-oriented approaches to meaning in Korean and Japanese

会議情報(Conference website) https://sites.google.com/view/jkconf29/workshops/data-oriented-approaches-to-meaning-in-korean-and-japanese

事前登録 (Pre-registration)


(C) Pedagogical Approaches to Japanese/Korean Linguistics

会議情報(Conference website) https://sites.google.com/view/jkconf29/workshops/pedagogical-approaches-to-jk-linguistics

[終了しました]Japanese Korean Linguistics Conference 29 (JK 29)(10/9-11, online)

会議情報(Conference website) https://sites.google.com/view/jkconf29/home

事前登録 (Pre-registration)


The Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK) is the only long-running annual international conference on Japanese and Korean linguistics. It attracts the highest caliber of academic research relevant to one or both languages, including minority languages and sign languages.

[終了しました]第17回共創言語進化セミナー (Robin Dunbar氏)見逃し配信のお知らせ(9/27 15時まで)


タイトル: Why Only Humans Have Language
講演者 : Robin Dunbar 氏 (Emeritus Professor, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK)
言語  : 英語
配信期間: 2021/9/2~27(月)15:00
申込サイト: https://forms.gle/qQPVec5Rr7z4RQm56

All animals communicate, but only humans have true language. This raises two important questions: why and when did language evolve in our lineage. I shall argue that language owes its origins to the way it is used in bonding large social communities, and hence its capacity to provide cues of community membership (which I refer to as the Seven Pillars of Friendship). Modelling its evolution suggests that it might have arisen quite quickly once it had got started. I approach the question of when language first appeared by using two sets of anatomical parameters to triangulate a date for its origins. I argue that, for language as we now have it, it cannot have been before the appearance of modern humans. Neanderthals and other archaic humans may have had language, but it would have been much less sophisticated.

– Dunbar, R. (2009). Why only humans have language. In: R. Botha & C. Knight (eds) The Prehistory of Language, pp. 12-35. Oxford University Press.
– Dàvid-Barrett, T. & Dunbar, R. (2016). Language as a coordination tool evolves slowly. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160259.
– Dunbar, R. (2017). Group size, vocal grooming and the origins of language. Psychonomic Bulletin Review 24: 209-212.

Robin Dunbar 氏について:
ブリストル大学でPh.D.を取得後、ケンブリッジ大学、ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、リヴァプール大学等での研究を経て、2007年よりオックスフォード大学教授。ヒトを含む霊長類の社会的繋がりを支える行動・認知・神経内分泌学的メカニズムの理解を目指した霊長類学・進化心理学の研究に従事。言語の適応的機能は繋がりの構築・維持にあるという言語起源の仮説を提示した”Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language”(1997)(邦訳『ことばの起源:猿の毛づくろい、人のゴシップ』(1998))は、言語進化研究の嚆矢となる書籍のひとつである。安定した社会関係を築く人数の限界である「ダンバー数」の提唱でも有名。イギリス学士院フェロー、2015年にトーマス・ハックスリー記念賞受賞。


JSLS JCHAT Award announcement

We are pleased to announce the winners of the twelfth JCHAT Award.


(Best paper)

中国人日本語学習者が日本語文を読む際の眼球運動 ―漢字単語の処理に着目して-

徐 婕 (広島大学)・柳本 大地(広島大学)

“Eye-movements of Chinese students when reading Japanese: A study on the processing of Kanji-words” (in Japanese)

Jie XU (Hiroshima University),  Daichi YANAMOTO (Hiroshima University)


優秀論文賞(JCHAT/CHILDES利用) :

(Best paper utilizing JCHAT/CHILDES)


加山 裕子 (University of Manitoba) ・大嶋 百合子 (McGill University, University of Victoria)

“The role of the input in the acquisition of verb argument structures in child Japanese” (in Japanese)

Yuhko KAYAMA (University of Manitoba),

Yuriko OSHIMA-TAKANE (McGill University, University of Victoria)


These papers were presented at JSLS2021.

We plan to have the award ceremony at JSLS2022 next year.


Harumi KOBAYASHI, Chairperson of Japanese Society for Language Sciences

[終了しました]International Symposium on Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives (IJPCP2021)



International Symposium on Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives (IJPCP2021)



[終了しました]9月10日 Charles Browne氏講演会のお知らせ


9月10日(金)15:00-16:00に、Zoomを利用したオンライン講演会を開催いたします。講演者は、明治学院大学教授のCharles Browne氏です。


Title: The New General Service List (NGSL) Project: A Modular Approach for the Systematic Development of 2nd Language Vocabulary
Speaker: Charles Browne, Ph.D.
Abstract: This presentation will briefly introduce 7 open-source, corpus-derived high frequency vocabulary word lists that the presenter helped to create for second language learners of English, and then move on to introduce a large and growing number of free, pedagogically-driven online tools, apps and resources for helping to utilize these lists for teaching, learning, assessment, materials creation as well as research and analysis. The tools include interactive flashcards, diagnostic tests, games, vocabulary learning apps, text creation tools, and more. The presentation will also briefly review recent New General Service List (NGSL) research. Each word list offers extremely high coverage (92% or higher) of language in that genre and includes lists for general daily English (NGSL), spoken English (New General Service List-Spoken or NGSL-S), academic English (New Academic Word List or NAWL), business English (Business Service List or BSL), TOEIC English (TOEIC Service List or TSL), children’s English (New Dolch List or NDL) and fitness English (Fitness English List or FEL). Most lists were developed in a modular approach so they can be efficiently mixed and matched to meet a broad range of academic needs.
Time: Friday, September 10, 2021, 15:00–16:00 (JST)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English

To register, follow the link of the form on this announcement:


Members of JSLS,


(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)
日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)







We are happy to announce an on-line workshop on (G)LMM ((Generalized) Linear Mixed-effects Models) on Sept. 7 and 8. Registration is free for JSLS members who (will) have paid membership fee for 2020-2021. Please check out details below in Japanese. The registration form will be announced soon (the deadline will be Aug. 31).

(一般化)線形混合効果モデルの入門・実践的ワークショップ (zoom開催。使用言語:日本語)

日程:9/7(火)・8(水) 1:30-4:00 p.m. 
講師:峰見一輝(立命館大学 任期制講師)
本ワークショップでは,(一般化)線形混合効果モデル[(G)LMM]によるデータ分析の入門的・実践的なチュートリアルを行ないます。従来広く使われてきた分散分析などにはない利点があることから,近年の心理言語学研究では,データ分析に (G)LMM が用いられる場合が多いです。しかし,その分析手順の煩雑さもあり,独学で (G)LMM を習得することに困難を感じる方も多いのではないかと想像します。
 そこで,本ワークショップでは,これまで (G)LMM に触れたことがない人でも,その基本概念を理解し,基本的な分析を一人で行なえるようになることを目標とし,入門的かつ実践的なチュートリアルを行ないます。また,本ワークショップは,単なる一方向の講義だけでなく,参加者の方が実際に (G)LMM を使って分析する際に困っている点にお答えする形での質疑応答セッションも含む予定です。
(本ワークショップでは,統計解析用フリーソフトウェア R を用います。)

[終了しました]第17回共創言語進化セミナー (Robin Dunbar氏)のお知らせ 8/31 17:30

新学術領域「共創言語進化」http://evolinguistics.net/ 主催の第17回共創言語進化セミナーのお知らせをさせていただきます。ご興味のある方、ぜひご参加下さい。

なお、第16回「語彙習得と記号接地:語彙システム構築のために必要な推論とその起源」(今井むつみ氏)は8/23 15時まで見逃し配信しています。(第16回の講演内容→ http://evolinguistics.net/event/?id=event1754 、視聴登録→ https://forms.gle/xokTGYS1Lsx1qKkW8 )

タイトル: Why Only Humans Have Language
講演者 : Robin Dunbar 氏 (Emeritus Professor, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK)
言語  : 英語
日時  : 2021/8/31 (火) 17:30-19:00 JST / 2021/8/31 (Tue) 09:30 BST (少し延びる可能性あり)
申込サイト: https://forms.gle/TwGX8EPVrjbLVLPY9

All animals communicate, but only humans have true language. This raises two important questions: why and when did language evolve in our lineage. I shall argue that language owes its origins to the way it is used in bonding large social communities, and hence its capacity to provide cues of community membership (which I refer to as the Seven Pillars of Friendship). Modelling its evolution suggests that it might have arisen quite quickly once it had got started. I approach the question of when language first appeared by using two sets of anatomical parameters to triangulate a date for its origins. I argue that, for language as we now have it, it cannot have been before the appearance of modern humans. Neanderthals and other archaic humans may have had language, but it would have been much less sophisticated.

– Dunbar, R. (2009). Why only humans have language. In: R. Botha & C. Knight (eds) The Prehistory of Language, pp. 12-35. Oxford University Press.
– Dàvid-Barrett, T. & Dunbar, R. (2016). Language as a coordination tool evolves slowly. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160259.
– Dunbar, R. (2017). Group size, vocal grooming and the origins of language. Psychonomic Bulletin Review 24: 209-212.

Robin Dunbar 氏について:
ブリストル大学でPh.D.を取得後、ケンブリッジ大学、ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、リヴァプール大学等での研究を経て、2007年よりオックスフォード大学教授。ヒトを含む霊長類の社会的繋がりを支える行動・認知・神経内分泌学的メカニズムの理解を目指した霊長類学・進化心理学の研究に従事。言語の適応的機能は繋がりの構築・維持にあるという言語起源の仮説を提示した”Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language”(1997)(邦訳『ことばの起源:猿の毛づくろい、人のゴシップ』(1998))は、言語進化研究の嚆矢となる書籍のひとつである。安定した社会関係を築く人数の限界である「ダンバー数」の提唱でも有名。イギリス学士院フェロー、2015年にトーマス・ハックスリー記念賞受賞。


[終了しました]講演会 “Machine Learning for Language Learning” (萩原正人氏) のお知らせ

8月24日(火)9:00-10:00に、Zoomを利用したオンライン講演会を開催いたします。講演者は、これまでDuolingo, 楽天技術研究所, Baidu Japanなどでご活躍され現在Octanove Labsを運営されている萩原正人氏です。

Title: Machine Learning for Language Learning
Speaker: Masato Hagiwara, Ph.D.
Abstract: Language education and assessment are a data- and labor-intensive process which requires creation and analysis of a large amount of linguistic data. In this talk, we are going to discuss some of the ways in which machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) can automate the process of creating, calibrating, grading, and generating education materials and learner production for language learning. Specifically, we’ll discuss 1) readability assessment and difficulty estimation of test items and reading materials with traditional ML and deep neural networks, 2) analysis of grammatical structures with pretrained masked language models (BERT), and 3) grammar-controlled generation of language materials with pretrained causal language models (GPT). We show that recent advancement of deep NLP and ML technologies have continuously pushed the boundary of what’s possible in assisting humans to learn language more effectively.
Time: Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 09:00–10:00 (JST)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English

To register, follow the link of the form on this announcement: